Junior Open Interdojo Aikido AIKIKAI Seminar under the auspices of Koinobori Dojo

The objective of the Junior Open Seminar is joint practice of children and adolescents from various aikido dojos. For children it offers an opportunity to acquire new experience, practice together with junior and adult aikidokas from various dojos, for their parents – a chance to see how their children practice and what they have learned. Such seminars are especially important because children, unlike grown-ups, usually have little opportunity to participate in seminars and practice with unfamiliar partners. We invite children and teenagers from any aikido dojos, and adult participants are always welcome.

The seminar is conducted twice a year since 2003. The 2-hour-long program includes practice lead in turn by several children's instructors and demonstrations by participating children's groups. The seminar usually gathers up to 80 children aged 5-15, mostly from Moscow and the Moscow Region.

Participating cities: Moscow, Fryazino, Kaluga, Krasnogorsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Puschino, Pushkino, Stupino

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